April Awareness

Beauty comes from Within (3).png

As April was approaching I had all these grand ideas of what I would write about this month: our evolving journeys, refresh & renew, redoing and recommitting to our New Year’s intentions. But as the month began, I realized all bets were off.

Life has changed dramatically and will probably continue to do so as we move forward. I’m hoping and praying for a way for all of us to get through this - healthy mind, body & soul. Which takes me back to my original path God put me on 10 years ago… the path of Gratitude.

God put me on this path for a reason. I’ve never in my life felt so compelled to do something, as I did after reading someone’s story of the power of gratitude in the Buffalo News editorial column. Out of that article was born my gratitude journal. So it is with that heart and intention to get back to this path, as a small way to help us all get through these days ahead.

Gratitude (noun):

The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

The gift of gratitude is being in the present moment. To stop and smell the roses of what is good in our lives. To focus on what’s in front of us, not what’s behind or way ahead. One step at a time, cautiously with love, kindness, compassion not only for others but for ourselves too. To know it’s okay to let it out - laugh, cry, scream - whatever you need to do, but to know you will journey on with faith, hope and love.

Here is a video I hope will bring some joy to your heart. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this video in the comments below.